
Saturday 12 March 2016

Refugee in Germany helps save plane passengers

Hassanien  Salman
An Iraqi migrant living in a refugee shelter in Germany helped rescue passengers from a burning private plane when it crashed shortly after take-off.
Hassanien Salman, a 34-year-old Iraqi veterinarian, had been in the shower when he heard the crash.
Mr Salman took a look outside and after seeing the smoking wreckage around 200 metres from the shelter, he threw on a T-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts and ran to help.
The propeller jet had got into trouble after taking off from the Atterheide airport in Osnabrück on Thursday morning.
One of the two engines malfunctioned, forcing the pilot to find a flat area to land on, and he spotted the former army barracks which now house the refugee shelter.
The pilot tried to land in a controlled crash-landing, the Neue Osnabrücke Zeitung reported.
But the plane was destroyed by the impact, leaving two of the four people on board lightly injured and the other two so seriously wounded they couldn’t leave the jet.
Mr Salman said two men had already freed themselves but he could smell gasoline and see flames, seeing that the men in the front seats were badly injured and stuck in the plane.
He was able to extinguish the fire and pull the men from danger together with another refugee from the shelter who had arrived shortly afterwards.
Mr Salman told the newspaper that he was able to help treat the severe head wounds one of the men.
Emergency teams turned up at the crash site soon afterwards.
Everyone on board survived, with a police spokesperson saying: "A lot of people had a lot of luck today."

Source:Telegraph News.

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